Judge Education

Judge Education

Visit the USEF site for more information on the USEF "r" Program

Read the US Equestrian Licensed Officials Policies and Procedures on the USEF site - scroll down to section 7 for dressage judges

Visit the USDF site for more information on the USDF "L" Program

The USDF “L” Education program will again be hosted by NEDA, starting in October of 2024 and continuing through 2025.

Part I, three lecture and practice judging weekends, can be attended by anyone but would be of most interest to potential dressage judges, dressage riders, trainers, instructors as well as those just curious about how dressage is judged. The program also serves as continuing education for “L” graduates and USEF licensed dressage judges.

Thirty people can be accepted as Participants and another 30 as Auditors. Participants are required to attend all three Part I weekends, a criteria for entering Part II, which involves evaluation and testing.

Participants will interact with the instructor and will be called upon to give their score and/or comments on video clips of movements. For this reason, although anyone can be a Participant, some knowledge of First and Second level dressage training is best.

Silent auditors may attend just one day of their choosing or all days of the program. Although they will not be able to engage in dialog with the instructor, they are encouraged to submit questions on notecards which will then be forwarded to the instructor.

In addition, NEDA is planning on hosting a Part II in 2025 as well as planned Part 1 in 2027 and Part II programs in 2028 and 2029.  

USDF "L" Education Program: Hosted by NEDA


Sponsored by Misty View Equestrian

Educational lectures/discussion to be held in Boxboro MA and practice judging to be held in Concord MA.
30 Participants and 30 Auditors maximum (60 total).

From the USDF Website:

"Developed by the USDF Judges’ Committee, this educational training program teaches judges to evaluate the correct training of dressage horses.

The L Education Program is designed with several goals in mind:

  1. Provide trainers, instructors, competitors and spectators' insight into the evaluative techniques of judging dressage.
  2. Prepare and evaluate candidates who wish to pursue entry into the USEF 'r' Judge Training Program.
  3. Provide continuing education for licensed judges and L graduates.

This educational training program features selected faculty of experienced, United States Equestrian Federation recognized “S” judges.

The Program is divided into two parts; each part is made up of three sessions:

Part 1 - "A Judge’s Perspective" is open to all USDF Members; this is the educational foundation of the program.

  • Session A is an introduction to judging and biomechanics. View Video
  • Session B is about judging criteria for gaits & paces, movements & figures. View Video
  • Session C is about collective marks, equitation, rider biomechanics and basics."


Participants: The total fee for all three sessions is $960 for NEDA members, $1020 for non-NEDA members, $900 for NEDA JR/YR and $960 for non-NEDA JR/YR which must be paid in full with the application.

Auditors: NEDA Members $70 per day or $110 per weekend. Non-NEDA members $80 per day or $130 per weekend


Sponsored by Horse of Course

Candidate’s Evaluation and Testing (no Auditors)

From the USDF Website:

Part 2- "Candidate’s Evaluation" is open to Participating Members with three verified scores from USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions. The requirement consists of two scores of 65% or higher at the highest test of Second Level and one score of 62% or higher at Third Level or above. Three scores of 62% or higher at Third Level or above from three different judges or any combination of these requirements would also meet the requirements (see Participant Guide for more information). Part 2 is geared towards those who are interested in graduating from the program to officiate at schooling shows or who plan to apply for the USEF’s ‘r’ Judge Training Program.

  • Session D1 involves practice judging full tests in each of the levels at a recognized competition.
  • Session D2 is similar to the D1 Session but with more emphasis on the testing situation and prepares candidates for the final exam.
  • Final Exam is comprised of both a written and practical exam. The written exam is all True/False and multiple choice, while the practical exam is a combination of judging full tests and some oral judging as well.

For questions contact:

Karry Brothers
518-768-1233 (please text, don't call)

Important Info

Part I, A session: October 5 & 6, 2024: Taught by Judy Downer. Boxboro Regency & Bear Spot Farm in Concord MA

Part I, B session: November 16 & 17, 2024:  Taught by Marilyn Heath. Boxboro Regency & Bear Spot Farm in Concord MA

Part I, C Session: April 19 & 20, 2025: Taught by Kathy Rowse: Boxboro Regency & Bear Spot Farm in Concord MA (Note, this is Easter, but we are running anyway)

Part II, D-1 session: May 16 & 17, 2025 Taught by Judy Downer. Location TBD (no auditors)

Part II, D-2 session: July 12 &13, 2025 Taught by Lisa Schmidt. Saugerties, NY (no auditors)

Part II, Final testing: August 15-17, 2025 Examiners Kathy Rowse and Lois Yukins. Saugerties, NY (no auditors)

Karry Brothers
518-768-1233 (please text, don't call)