Lesson Link
Lesson Link is for Everyone
Lesson Link was created to:
- enhance the riding skills of the aspiring riders within our membership
- increase members' access to a range of instructors and judges
- offer our judges and instructors a way to support NEDA while also getting broader visibility and access to a diverse student base across the membership.
How does it work?
- Trainers and judges fill out the form below to donate offerings to NEDA members.
- NEDA discounts the offerings by 20%, and adds them to the online store.
- NEDA members can browse the store and purchase the offering they are interested in at a rate of one per member per month.
- NEDA will verify the purchaser's membership is current, and offer those who's memberships have lapsed the opportunity to renew.
- The LessonLink administrator will introduce the NEDA member and trainer/judge to each other via email so they can work out the details and any additional fees between each other directly.